Friday, September 25, 2009


Big guys hit things

Savage Dragon #75

Raaaarrggh!!! At Free Comic Book Day earlier this year I got the free issue of Savage Dragon (#148) and was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. That, combined with a conversation I had with a fellow comic nerd, and a pretty nice sketch Erik Larsen did for me at the Emerald City Comicon (monster!), made me pick up this issue. And it's good! It's really just monsters punching each other, but half the time that's really all I want from my comics. Watch out quarter bins! I am looking for Savage Dragon! Or hell, maybe I'll start picking up the Savage Dragon Archives. 25 issues for $20! Wait, that's not such a great deal vs. quarter bins...

The Nine Loves of El Gato: Crime Mangler

El Gato is a Mexican, masked, luchadore wrestler. He apparently mangles crime. However, this comic is set before he is a true crime mangler and is instead about when he was just a dude (mostly a dude who wrestles), and the girls he slept with before finding his true love. Apparently an earlier El Gato comic was "the Nine Lives" which makes the title of this make more sense. Anyway, this is nine different stories by nine different artists, who aren't your average "big dude punches stuff" artists. Actually, looking it up some of the artists are old school Marvel artists, crazy. I wish I still had this comic so I could look at the art again. Some of the artists are indie people though. Still, it's pretty decent stuff. Definitely worth the 25 cents I paid for it.

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